Monday, 27 April 2009

Here I am starting one very wakeful night.....

hey there,
just starting my first blog....wanted to plan this in grand style but sometimes i feel a spontaneous outpour is better! well lets see how all this will go....right now I'm going through a very relaxing period...a school break for the kids so its a completely out of routine,doing this and that kind of period with lots of eating and sleeping!! And not to mention very late sleeping and that is one reason and how I came about to the blogging idea!!

Anyway I thought since I am in the start of things and am as I say exploring a new country even though now its over a year I thought I would start with photos of where I live now and photos of my country the maginficent Maldives which i have said a temporary goodbye.... so here it is

Male' the capital island of Maldives, one speck of an island amongst its many scattered in the Indian Ocean. I know am sounding like the way they do in the travel catalogues, and to be honest Male' being the capital, its become one heck of a congested place with many buildings and houses that there is no more any greenery and it looks more like a concrete jungle than a lush green island. Not to mention to the over population on the island itself. But I will post a more nicer picture before I finish this off for now....

1 comment:

  1. hey thats my home...this really excellent and i shall read on, please keep them posted. best wishes from the roller!
