Wednesday, 3 February 2010

the ghost chillies let me down once again....

Hello to you people whoever happens to stop by me!

Let me start off with an explanation for the title of this post...I happen to be an addict of the game Farmville on facebook...well yeah who does not know facebook these days! So whenever I play on farmville and plow the land and plant ghost chillies I somehow miss to harvest on them and they wither, this has happened several times and its ironic since I planted chillies on my small balcony and both my plants died into dry thin sticks mocking at me every time I go there. So my conclusion is that I am just not made for these chillies of the world! They wither and die just like some significant promises that I make to myself and is unable to keep every time.

Yeah...these days I am not happy with myself. This maybe the reason I haven't written on this blog although I have so much to write in my much so that if I attempt at writing them these pages would over flow. I know I am trying to escape from something...I am always on the run from something...or then I find myself waiting for the moment to pass. It's confusing if I try to analyze so I leave it at that. So I am not in focus to out pour whatever it is that needs to be poured out.

So lets say I want to pass this ghost chilli phase of myself and get more focused to write all those stories that I need to tell. I have also thought of different ways to change the way I present this blog rather than in this direct periodic updates about my boring life, I'm thinking of going into third person form and get more spicy. So here's hoping to catch up later with such a post....hopefully very soon. Until then keep looking at the flowers!

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