Hello people,
I am back to school meaning my kids have started school after a 3 weeks break and I have been getting used to the change of routine once again. I am not relaxed enough to sit and write my heart out....I still am not relaxed as the clock beside me on the table is clicking and with that noise my heart is racing as if I sit here for an exam and I got to finish in time...But my anxiety here is I need to sleep, I need to sleep, I need to sleep..........However I am determined to write something tonight before I go and sleep as now I know that some of my friends have been reading my blog and they look forward to what I post! Thank you friends,your encouragement is great! Oh that reminds me.....dealing with school and mean teachers, sometimes I just dont know how to encourage and reassure my daughter when it comes to her school anxiety moments! She has a mean teacher and because she is afraid of her and afraid of being scolded by her she is in the mind of taking all her books to school no matter what her time table is!! And mind you this is making the school bag burst out and get so heavy. I have tried to to convince her not to but she says she wants to be safe just till she gets used to things! So I gave up now.Encourage or discourage sometimes we have to give in and let them figure it out I guess.
Lastweek I met up with an old friend from Maldives visiting here in Malaysia on a business trip. We went out one night and hit the city centre where its supposed to be happening! Well it sure was happening cos it was the pick up place for all the Philipino girls out here!! Good looking,bad looking, young , old, you name it they were there.No offence on any Philipino girls, but it sure was a sight to watch! Anyway my friend and another friend of hers we all had some great fun before heading home late hours! Girls just wanna have fun....yeah! Cyndi Lauper was right when she sang that song some long time ago!
As I have not been very technical these days, with computers, cameras and other gadgets I have not been able to import any of my lately taken photos. So once again it will be a happy feeling photos! Enjoy and dont forget to leave a comment!
the rose coffee...
The B'day !

the girl in the blue dress....
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