Thursday, 14 May 2009

Be thankful..........

Hello people,

I have been away, away from my thoughts and thus away from this. I have been thinking, how often we forget to be thankful for what we have, and usually always see what dont have! I decided to be thankful for this life I have, how blessed I am so far and to keep a track of them.

So here goes, I thank god for the two lovely kids I have, I cannot imagine my life how it would be without them now. I may go through hard times as a single mum but each day I learn something from my expereinces and each day I hope I get stronger. I have started a new life in a new place yet I have many conflicting thoughts about my decisions and when I look back more often now I feel I just should be glad, for where else can I have this life which is peaceful and more hassle free than I imagined. I may not drive but for now there is nothing which I lose by this as all the places I need to go are close in distance and conveniently located. The school my kids go to are twenty minutes ride, the KUMON maths classes they attend are just a few minutes away. And my grocery shopping is just the same, only a few minutes from my home and this should be worthy fact to note in a big place like this and if you dont drive! So here I am thanking these little matters and what about my other little important matters??? Like the salon I go for my eye-brow threading, which is also close by and thank god for Dorothy Perkins shop and their boot cut jeans, I dont have to adjust them in length one bit, so what if they are a bit costly, its the perfect cut. As in the past I had to go to the tailor down my road back home, and mind you every time I had to explain the adjustments in detail and never been able to get it right, to learn much later that the tailor was deaf and didnt hear properly! Oh and I love the weather in Malaysia.Not too hot and lots of rain! Life is all about adjusting,and I am adjusting to my new life which is more peaceful and calm compared to my life in the recent years. I only miss my friends back home. Dear friends I do miss you but technolgy is such that we dont have to feel that missing feeling too much, we are only a quick call away, a quick text a way and thank god once more, we are just a click away from the msn chat!! Keep smiling cos I am :-)
my home, away from home.......Malaysia


  1. it's so easy to forget the little but great things we have in our lives. thanking gets us back on track. we should all be doing this more often and i guess that's what praying is actually for - thanking instead of asking for more...put up more pics. doesn't need to be super brilliant looking. it just has to be what you see from where you are at and that would be a great pic....keep posting

  2. please check is going to make you smile..this is a warning...have fun my dear new blogger on the block!!
